Thank you for purchasing tickets to the third annual Someone Special Dance!  The dance is meant for children to bring their "Someone Special" adult (mom, dad, aunt, uncle, sibling, grandparent, family friend, etc).  Each "couple" (one adult and one child) is $27 ($25 + $2 Booktix fee) and each additional guest is $6 ($5 + $1 Booktix fee).  Here is how to order: 1) Click View Performances. 2) Qty - Choose how many tickets you are purchasing (1 = 1 couple).  If you choose 2 or more, you will be able to indicate Additional Guest or Couple on the next screen through a drop down option.  3) Click Add to Cart and then you can complete your transaction.

Due to capacity and for planning purposes, the ticket portal will close at 11:59pm on Friday, May 24, 2024.

Please feel free to reach out to Rachel Kelly at with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you on June 2!  

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